Quite a history!


How do you like a guy who is not into pubs or

 football or modern music or having a beer, but

 spends all his time traveling around with cult

 members setting up hundreds of cult schools?


What do you think about a non-Jew who

 worships on Saturday, Yom Kippur, Rosh

 Hashanah and Passover?


Can you like him if he would slam the Pope, Roman

 Catholic Church, Anglican Church and though not

around in his day almost all Protestant denominations?


What if on top of all this he was a Brit, a spoiled

 brat raised by a wealthy aristocratic father and

 mother running a port fort farm? What do you

 think if he had a secret sex escapade with a

 servant when he was only 15, then leaving the

 family farm for 6 years?


Hint - he was born and raised just south of the

 Scottish border in Cumbria (now Lake District

 UK) on an estuary on the Irish Sea west coast.


       Well….  SURPRISE  SURPRISE !!


This fellow is Ireland’s patron Saint, none other

 than Patrick! He taught what the Bible says

 without changing anything.


He never killed a snake. He never drank to

 excess in mid-March.


He worshipped on Saturday, and many others

 learned from him to do the same, such as

 Columba, Columbanus, St Gallen, Marnock

 and Mobhi. He celebrated New Years on April

 Fools Day.


He honored the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter

 Sunday. He knew Jesus was not born on

 December 25th (pagan sun god Nimrod’s birthday),

 but under an autumn 2/3rd moon.


If you and Patrick and I went to the two

St Patrick Cathedrals in Armagh N Ireland next

 week, he would be amazed that Catholics &

 Protestants both claim him, when he would

 have had nothing to do with any Sunday

worshippers who changed the 10

 Commandments, and dates and reasons for

 celebrating Bible annual holidays.


He was kidnapped by Irish pirates from his

 magistrate father’s large port fort and farm

 (which he was assigned by the Roman Empire

 to run), and thrown on a boat to Ireland, where

 he was a slave in Co Mayo on Killala Bay for 6

 years, forced to tend sheep, pigs and cows. He escaped by

 walking 160 miles to the southeast coast, where

 he sailed back and returned home. There he

 studied for 15 years to be a pastor and Bishop

 in the Celtic Christian Church.


He then returned to Ireland as a missionary for

 this Saturday Christian church, remaining

 staunchly anti-Catholic to the very end.


He taught everyone from Druids to Picts to

 Irish high kings to farmers.


He founded over 750 Bible centers up until his

 death in 464 AD. The training centers later

 grew into well-attended colleges and large



Ireland was the only country in Europe to

 Christianize peacefully. Patrick's Christian

 conversion activity ended slavery, human

 sacrifice, and most inter-tribal warfare in



Ireland was pacified and filled with churches as

 the rest of Europe crumbled. Patrick's churches

 copied and preserved classical texts.


Later, Irish missionaries returned with this

 religious knowledge to Europe, establishing

 Bible centers and universities in England,

 Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland.


Famous students of these schools -- Columba,

 who brought many in Scotland to Christ –

 Aidan, who won many pagans in England to

 the gospel, and Columbanus with his

 successors, who brought Christianity to many

 on the continent all the way down to Bobbio Italy.

 They took the Bible as their only authority.


In the year 438 AD the pagan laws were

 assembled at the request of St Patrick. Laegaire

 (Leary) King of Ireland appointed a Committee

 of 9 learned and eminent persons, including

 himself and St Patrick, to revise the pagan



During 3 intense years these 9 produced a new

 Civil & Military Code, from which everything

 that clashed with the Christian doctrine was

 carefully excluded. What resulted was a new

Senchus Mór law, to be administered by

Brehon Arbitrators, powerful Notary/Judge/ Lawyers.


Brehon arbitrators still use this comprehensive

 Christian body of civil, military, and criminal

 law. It regulates the various ranks of society,

 from the king down to the slave, and

 enumerates their rights and privileges for

 management of property, for the industries –

 building, brewing, mills, waterways, fishing,

 bees & honey - for seizure of goods, for tithes,



Senchus Mór Law was vehemently

 condemned by the English. The Westminster

 Parliament made it treason for the English

 settlers in Northern Ireland to use this new law.


These Christian Codes were well suited for the

 Irish. When the English settlers adopted Irish

 manners and customs, they abandoned their own

 law and adopted the Patrick-promoted law Code.


This was Patrick’s greatest achievement, which

 has gone almost totally ignored by historians and

 is not mentioned in school textbooks.


This missionary deserves to be better known,

 right up there with Jesus’ disciples, one of the

 finest humans to ever walk the earth!


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